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HemLeague of LegendsFörutsägelserMatchförutsägelse: AOE Ginger Turmeric - Cloud9 Academy | LoL

Matchförutsägelse: AOE Ginger Turmeric - Cloud9 Academy | LoL

LCS Proving Grounds Summer 2022 - Playoffs
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Prediction for the match between AOE Ginger Turmeric – Cloud9 Academy

We continue to review the events taking place on the American stage of the LCS Proving Grounds tournament. This competition serves as a replacement for the 2022 NA Academy League Playoffs. We are expecting another unequal confrontation between the AOE Ginger Turmeric and Cloud9 Academy teams. The battle between a professional team and a tournament-qualified roster thanks to the victory in the LCS Proving Grounds Circuit Qualifier (PGCQ) will soon be on our screens.

Cloud9 Academy Uniform

I would not say that Cloud9 Academy's performance at the 2022 NA Academy League Summer Season can be called successful. Despite the fact that the team took 3rd place, their result is not so impressive, the team left due to a huge number of draws. Despite all of the above, they look much nicer than their opponents. The team often has problems at the LCS Proving Grounds and it's frustrating, regular roster changes do not bring any improvements. This year this season, their result is worse than before.

Cloud9 Academy roster

  • Darshan (Top-laner)
  • Sheiden (Jungler)
  • Copy (Mid-laner)
  • k1ng (Bot-laner)
  • Destiny (Support)

Heroes Cloud9 Academy

Most Picked Champions: Gnar (19 matches, 68.4% win), Jinx (19 matches, 68.4% win) and Hecarim (14 matches, 78.6% win).

Most successful champions: Taliyah (6 matches, 100% win), Caitlyn (4 matches, 100% win) and Lux (4 matches, 100% win).

Cloud9 Academy Latest Match Results

  • Victory over Counter Logic Gaming Academy with a score of 2-0;
  • 2-0 victory over Cincinnati Fear;
  • Draw with Evil Geniuses Academy 1-1;
  • Lost to Team Liquid Academy with a score of 0-2;
  • Victory over Counter Logic Gaming Academy with a score of 2-0.

The team cannot boast of an abundance of victories, but rather a huge number of draws helped them get to the LCS Proving Grounds. In the playoffs, things went much better for Cloud9 Academy and they took two easy wins.

Form AOE Ginger Turmeric

Team AOE Ginger Turmeric made their way to the LCS Proving Grounds with the amateur LCS Proving Grounds Circuit Qualifier (PGCQ). Their result is not so impressive: 3rd place is all that the team managed to achieve. On the LCS stage, their performances are amazing, the club defeated Immortals Academy and 100 Thieves Academy, which are professional teams. It is unlikely that they will be able to continue the series of victories in the upcoming battle. Since their opponents are more experienced and have a large number of joint performances behind them.

Composition AOE Ginger Turmeric

  • existence (Top-laner)
  • Keel (Jungler)
  • CptShrimps (Mid-laner)
  • DeepLearn (Bot-laner)
  • Duoking (Support)

Heroes AOE Ginger Turmeric

Most Picked Champions: Udyr (10 matches, 80% win rate), Wukong (10 matches, 50% win rate) and Ashe (9 matches, 66.7% win rate).

Most successful champions: Gangplank (6 matches, 100% win rate), Tristana (5 matches, 100% win rate) and Fiora (4 matches, 100% win rate).

AOE Ginger Turmeric Latest Match Results

  • Victory over Immortals Academy with a score of 2-0;
  • 2-1 victory over 100 Thieves Academy;
  • 2-1 victory over CLG Faith;
  • Lost 2-0 to Cincinnati Fear;
  • 2-0 victory over CLG Faith.

The team showed us unremarkable results at the LCS Proving Grounds Circuit Qualifier tournament. As for LCS Proving Grounds, AOE Ginger Turmeric surprises with its success on the pro scene.

History of personal confrontations

Previously, the teams did not hold meetings with each other.


Both teams had a very mediocre record in the qualifying tournaments at the LCS Proving Grounds. Now their situation is much better, after two victories they will have to find out which of them is better. Since the teams did not face each other in battles, it is difficult to predict how they will manifest themselves against each other. I can bet on Cloud9 Academy, due to the popularity of the organization, I don’t think that they have assembled a roster that is not capable of defeating an amateur team. Experience and teamwork are the characteristics that will bring victory to Cloud9 Academy.

Outcome: The Cloud9 Academy team will become the winners of this confrontation.

Alla vadslagningstips: EGWxxxBOT

Bookmakers & Statistics

AOE Ginger Turmeric
AOE Ginger Turmeric
Cloud9 Academy
Cloud9 Academy

För tillfället ser majoriteten av bookmakers enhälligt laget Cloud9 Academy som spelets favorit med genomsnittliga odds på en seger i summan av 1.119. AOE Ginger Turmeric chanser att vinna utvärderas med genomsnittliga odds 5.608 av bookmakers.

Lagstatistik de senaste matcherna

Senaste matcherna AOE Ginger Turmeric Cloud9 Academy
5 matcher (vinster) 4 4
10 matcher (vinster) 7 8

Det kommer också att vara nödvändigt att nämna historien om möten ansikte mot ansikte mellan motståndarna. Lagen spelade 0 matcher med varandra tidigare. I dessa matcher vann AOE Ginger Turmeric 0 gånger, Cloud9 Academy aktiva sammansättningar av 0 vinster.

AOE Ginger Turmeric vs Cloud9 Academy: Match Prediction. 19.08.2022 at 01:00, LoL, LCS Proving Grounds Summer 2022 - Playoffs
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